Source Code

Our goal is to provide the best possible Mastodon experience for our members. One way to deliver on that is by delivering the most up-to-date Mastodon code. We "run off main", which means using the latest commits to the main branch of the Mastodon codebase found on the project's official GitHub repository.

We take a clean copy of the latest Mastodon code and then apply a limited set of modification with a custom script. We then build the modified code inside a Docker container, publish it to GitHub Container Registry, for consumption by our Kubernetes cluster.

Our server specific customizations include:

Individual container builds may include additional changes which are being tested on, and may be sourced from PR's in the official project repository or in the development fork.

Container Availability

Primary Image

Our customized container image is available from both Docker and GitHub container registries. This is suitable for the web/Puma and Sidekiq services.

Streaming Image

Mastodon 4.3-based images and beyond use a seperate container image for the Streaming API.