Mastodon for geeks and nerds of every type and stripe
Why choose as your Mastodon server?
- We run the latest available Mastodon code and regularly contribute fixes back to the Mastodon project.
- We integrate popular third-party themes like Bird UI and Tangerine to give you options in how you use Mastodon.
- We extend the Mastodon default post limit to 640 characters, which ought to be enough for anybody.
- We are 100% member-funded! Our shareholders are our users.
- We uphold the guidelines of the Mastodon Server Covenant and have pledged to uphold the Digital Platform Charter of Rights.
- We're built to be highly performant and highly available, and committed to taking ownership of issues when things go south. We publish our real-time system status, and strive for better than 99.99% observed availability.
- We have an A+ ratings from Mozilla Observatory/Qualys SSL Labs, and we don't leverage any third-party cookies, use trackers, or run ads on our service, as verified by The Markup's Blacklight.